All posts by Admin

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Are dealership inventories on the rise in 2023?

The impact of vehicle shortages post-Covid and the benefits of online inventories 

Many buyers have struggled to find a vehicle during the inventory shortages post-Covid, putting strain on automotive dealerships, which have dealt with low sales, upset customers, and frustrating delays. Below, we’ll discuss whether dealership inventories are on the rise in 2023, what the long-lasting impact of vehicle shortages has done to the industry, and the benefits of online inventories for dealerships and customers. 

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The Importance of Customer-centricity: A Conversation

Atul Vohra and Thilo Koslowski

One of the concepts the COVID-19 pandemic has made increasingly apparent is the need for the automotive industry to innovate and transform the customer experience. Today’s consumers increasingly expect to be met wherever they are in the buying cycle with a highly customized and seamless experience – both online and offline. This type of customer-centricity in the automotive space is often as challenging to implement as it is rewarding.

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